2011 Erotic Horoscope
So, what awaits us in the year 2011? New men, perhaps exciting sex. Well, let's have a sneak peek at it.
Well Aries, this is your year! The stars will be at your side and you can hit the ground running to realise all your ambitious plans to try all those varieties of sex you have always dreamt about. Don't worry too much of those saying you are immoral or a deviant of some kind - the men will surely appreciate it. You will also meet the one, who - being one of those very few - will manage to stand by you. He will teach you all this sex magic and it will turn out there are still things you have never heard of!
It will be a great year in terms of your emotional life too. You will feel loved and pampered - spare some of your time to relax, go away to the tropics, buy a new car, change the arrangement of your furniture. These all are important for your mental and physical health, you know. You will need that strength of a horse you are infamous for with all the new men you will spin this year.
The year is perfect to bury all your relationships that just don't work. The stars will guarantee you unusual popularity with the opposite sex! It will all start getting into a full swing quite soon now!
Well, we will be honest with you - this year might not be the best year to conquer hearts and bodies. It may actually complicate your heart affairs quite soon. Watch out, you may be caught red-handed having one on the side - or quite the contrary - you might find yourself being dragged to the altar by someone who you think is not quite the Mr. Right …
Lonely Taurus birds will have to wait a bit to discover the love of their lives - and, sadly, it will be difficult to enjoy good sex. Unfortunately, you will often discover that barking dog seldom bites, and the men bragging about how long they can make love to you .. well, they just brag..
But hey, don't get put off by all the humans of the opposite sex that confront you! He might a little less noise in bed - but still he will do the true magic and you will go mad about it! That's if you will manage to spot the fake ones. Stay alert towards the workplace lovers - they have a wide smile on their face but is there behind it? Keep your eyes on that or else you will get scorched well over you are able to understand where you are.
This year you will unwind a bit and catch you breath again - all Gemini girls, full of beans, as usual, will really treasure that. Sex on a regular basis does not have to be boring if you choose the right partner - or appreciate the present one, who, busy as usual, has not yet been given the chance to show the ace up his zipper.
Dear Gemini ladies - engage your legendary personal charm, wits and intelligence, and you will have great sex in return and you will appreciate him catering for your needs. He will become your oasis of unknown and unforgettable experience - but be careful! It will make you end up having a crush on him - and we are dead serious about it. It will not be another flirt regardless of whether you stay single or get married. It may make you split with you partner or - if you are unattached - find a relationship for life..
The sit-back-and-chill-out year for the Cancer ladies - well, not quite. Home and office life will level a bit - but not the bed affairs! Lonely Cancer hearts will get a stroke of luck this year meeting the partner of their dreams in extraordinarily romantic circumstances.
You will not be spared any of these: wild sex on a desert beach or mountain meadows, rediscovering the meanders of your bodies; you will definitely be surprised how much you learn of each other when the settings and - of course - the partner are right.
You thought you knew your bodies and your sex needs so well? Well, you ain't seen nothing yet! This man will awake the wildest, insatiable passion in you, exploring your bodies and elevating you to some higher and higher levels of the delight. The summer holiday may be the most memorable time in your life - that's if you overcome your shy and fight for your love. It might end up at the altar - and that's this year!
There is a new love up in the air that will strike down on you like a thunderbolt without asking if you are attached or not! You will see him and you will just desire to have him and nothing else will ever be of any importance. Chances are he will not be able to resist you - Leo ladies, after all, always get what they want - so the boiling-hot love will make hell freeze over! Watch out those of you who are in relationship - you partners may not know where they are with you, so expect serious bumps ahead or just split up if they can't fight for you..
The change will be for the better though - a man who can't keep his lioness by his side is really not worth her. The new love - passing as it may prove - will definitely leave some everlasting memories. Just don't waste the momentum on the trifling things - it will leave you confused and the charm will fade in no time. A true Lioness needs a partner who will cherish her for ever - keep that in mind!
The upcoming year will turn your whole emotional universe upside down - and that's exactly what you are not the best at. A lover from the past and the admiration by the men will not make it any easier for you as they will come crashing into your cozy world. Sniffing around, you will suspect and predict the worst - be it a stupid joke or extinction of all the sexy women - but that's just not it! Make sure you are proud of the sexual appeal of yours, so irresistible and yet unique. It's about time to harvest what being smart and sexy has earned you.
Perhaps it's a good idea to take a look at your friends from a bit different perspective now. Chances are you will get involved in a couple of blazing hot love fires, or even come across the right one after the middle of 2011. For those of you who decided to settle with their present soul-(and bed) mates, it will be a perfect year to cement the relationship. Ever thought of starting a family?
Another year you will most likely spend trying to spend as little time as possible in one place. Why not indeed - expect you can't really escape the feeling - especially the one in which you lose your head, heart and all the rest of your body. Dear Libra girls - no more hesitation this year. Let's be honest in expressing what you feel and you will be surprised of how much the other person share your feelings…
The courage will pay off: it will turn out to be the sex adventure of the century - you don't even expect how high he can take you. True, it will be difficult to keep that kind of guy close to you - especially with a typical Libra manner to overlook things important to your other half. Be careful, your carelessness, stupid love affair (or just the attempt) will cost you!
Well, you'd better get ready to rock. Scorpios are notorious for their sexual drive - but this year will be really explosive, even by the Scorpio standards! Lonely Scorpios will - at last! - find someone who will keep up with them (much as they will try to deny it, of course). Attention Scorpios! The other side will return with the same arsenal - but hey, it's not the game of who is stronger, is it?
Naturally, there will be some confrontations - they cannot be avoided really, can they? Both sides will enjoy them though. They will start in a bedroom and lead you to .. who knows? In terms of sex, expect things that you have never dreamt of before. Arm your playground with the newest toys - and how about ménage à trois or anal sex?
Pluck up your courage and confront everything you don't like. Missionary position being such a drag - speak out loud and don't worry if it stirs up your relationship. This way or another, it has not been perfect after all. The other side doesn't seem to bother - so perhaps it's not really worth it? What about getting yourself a copy of the Kama Sutra to shake things up a bit? Try sensual talking about sex - it may be exactly what your relationship is missing.
Sagittarius ladies on a mission of finding Mr. Right - you may be quite successful, just steer clear of gossip about you. Keep that ace up your sleeve and make sure you know who you are going to bed with - even if it's just pulling a swift one during one of those business trainings. Men are bigger gossipers than women!
2011 will definitely be a year of love for all Capricorns - that's love with a capital "L"!
It will bring some financial problems on you - Capricorns are poor at saving up when it comes to their beloved one - so more money gone this year to chase up that love to the very end of the world. It will be the romantic love of the century - that is if you have guts. Capricorns are famous for being apprehensive and a bit conservative, and that new love may just intimidate you with a touch of sex avant-garde, which may lead to both of you straying off the beaten track on that first night.
The risk is well worth it, although it will cost you changing your erotic habits. Whether the relationship survives is not clear. It all depends if it keeps you ablaze. Don't be discouraged by having to move, changing your lifestyle or leaving your partner for good. Lonely Capricorn will have a clear mind to ponder the situation. Think twice, though. Your shy nature may not be able to keep up with that in the long run…
It will be a breakthrough year. Aquarius ladies will most probably find the right partner in February and this year they will literally shine with a happy love. You may live under the impression that you have just found the ideal man, satisfying your sexual appetite and discovering just what you are lusting for. Granted: sex is an important part of your life but don't forget to get out of the bed sometimes. Watch it - things outside your bed may not seem so rosy anymore.
The attached Aquarius ladies may sleep well - no serious ups and downs ahead. You are most likely to enjoy happy lives if you manage to stay away from some of those erotic temptations, so common this year, and so difficult to shrug off. If you don't, well, it may get a bit hairy at times with your partner - but on the other hand, it will get you out here to a new crowd - the present one hasn't really brought a lot of new quality into your life, has it? Be realistic - this is what you need. The stars will be favourable for you and help you wake up and crawl out of that stagnant cocoon at last!
Less impulse and more thinking - that's your motto for the year 2011, dear Pisces!
Isn't it the high time you gave up some of that sex-at-the-party-formula of yours, ditching your urge to ever look for new sex techniques and trying to settle down? It doesn't necessarily mean giving up good sex - it's just finding the right partner for good.
Pisces in the relationships must keep away from that hot water ahead of you. There might be a new man on the horizon. Being truly riveting and a unique sexual gem, he may put your current partner in the shade. However, after a few wild nights, you will sober up and realise this guy, apart from being a sex adventure, doesn't bring a lot into your life. Now, how will you explain losing your head (and giving head) to your long-term boyfriend? You will have to figure it out for yourself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions though so think hard in advance of the consequence of your actions.