shameless diary

Hearty slapping of men's bums - see the pictures!

Hearty slapping of men's bums - see the pictures!

Views: 3450

We came and we slapped! And there's just one thing we want to say: you can only regret you were not there!

The staff of the erotyzm-oczami-kobiet portal went out there to celebrate the World Day of Men's Bums Slapping! There was only one proper way to do it - literally go out and slap those firm and dishy bums. The day was cold and, you can trust us, you have absolutely no idea how warming it is to give it a good slap. Heats up your hands, imagination - and all the rest down there.

Generally speaking, the celebration was really enjoyable - even those of men who were oblivious of the day didn't mind being slapped on their bums by us. The men returned our hearty efforts with a smile, showing they are cool and easy-going about the whole thing. We will not mention those few, overworked poor things that did not like that. Let us just say it to their faces: we do feel sorry for you, sweethearts!

Anna Łuban

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